

Contact Info

Center for Combinatorics, LPMC, Nankai University

Email: qiudun (at) nankai (dot) edu (dot) cn


2014 - 2019: Ph.D. in Mathematics, UC San Diego.

2010 - 2014: B.S. in Mathematics, Zhejiang University.


2023 - now : Associate Professor, Nankai University.

2019 - 2022: Lecturer, Beijing Jiaotong University.


Research Interest

My research area is enumerative combinatorics and algebraic combinatorics.


NSFC Grant (12001037): Combinatorial Problems Derived from the Shuffle Conjecture.


  1. Pattern-Avoidance and Fuss–Catalan Numbers [with Per Alexandersson, Frether Kebede and Samuel Fufa] (Journal of Integer Sequences, 26, 2023) [pdf]
  2. Schur function expansions and the Rational Shuffle Theorem [with Jeff Remmel] (Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 175, 2020) [pdf]
  3. The valley version of the Extended Delta Conjecture [with Andy Wilson] (Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 175, 2020) [pdf]
  4. $e$-positivity results and conjectures [with Adriano Garsia, Jim Haglund and Marino Romero] (arXiv, 2019) [pdf]
  5. Patterns in words of ordered set partitions [with Jeff Remmel] (Journal of Combinatorics, 10 (3), 2019) [pdf]
        The original version also discussed pattern avoidance in parking functions [pdf]
  6. Classical pattern distributions in $\mathcal{S}_n(132)$ and $\mathcal{S}_n(123)$ [with Jeff Remmel] (Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 21 (2), 2019) [pdf]
  7. Counting Consecutive Pattern Matches in $\mathcal{S}_n(132)$ and $\mathcal{S}_n(123)$ [with Ran Pan and Jeff Remmel] (Advances in Applied Mathematics, 105, 2018) [pdf]
  8. Schur Function Expansions and the Rational Shuffle Conjecture [with Jeff Remmel]
        Extended abstract appear in Proceedings of FPSAC 2017, (Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 78B, 2017) [pdf]
  9. On the Schur positivity of $Δ_{e_2} e_n[X]$ [with Jeff Remmel, Emily Sergel and Guoce Xin] (Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25 (4), 2018) [pdf]
  10. Quadrant marked mesh patterns in 123-avoiding permutations [with Jeff Remmel] (Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 19 (2), 2018) [pdf]



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